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Bucket List - Nikki Baron

Nikki grew up in the Lansing area, and after making pit stops in Israel and New Jersey, she is glad to finally call Metro-Detroit her home. Nikki previously worked in the Jewish nonprofit sphere, which included community building, teaching English to Israeli children, leading Birthright trips, fundraising, and much more. She is proud to currently be the third generation working at her family's business, WeatherGard Windows, as the Human Resource Manager. Nikki has her Masters in Education with a focus on Experiential Israel Education, and is working on her MBA. She is also a member of the Partners Detroit Young Advisory Board and the Board of Directors for Hillel of Metro Detroit. Nikki grew up in a house devoted to Detroit sports teams (even when they aren't winning) and loves cheering on her Alma Mater, Go Blue! When she isn't stealing other people's dogs for pictures, you can find Nikki dreaming about Israeli falafel, finishing a book in one day, or eating sushi from Noble Fish.